Thu 09 Jan
White Brunette HOTTIE Alert - Eyes and body to mesmerize!!! - 22
(, surrounding area RI,MA,CT/IN&OUT; CALLS)
*Well Reviewed* You will find me physically and visually stunning. (You Must Host!) - 26
(, Outcall Only RI-MA-CT(Casino Only!))
For Upscale Gents Only: Asian Bombshell! Verified OutCall Only By Appt. Only!! - 26
Busty ITALIAN Brunette with EE boobies! Total and unrushed GFE! 75.oo New bedford - 24
(my place--MY PLACE)
♡BUSTY Exotic Italian Bombshell Upscale Gents Only♡(Verified Appointments ONLY) Fetishes Welcome!! - 23
Wed 08 Jan
iF sHeS GOoD....iM BeTTeR ~~ H Ѽ R ° HaN ° ѼuR ° Â V R Â G ° - 19
(RI/MA/CT outcall only)
X0X0 GorGeous ExotiC MixEd HonEY** ThE BEsT YoU NeVer Had X0X0 LasT DaY CAll 4 SpeCiaLs!! - 22
(, All Rhode Island in/out calls)
*°C L A S S Y *°G I R L °*R E A L P I C S °* - 21
(, warwick/in or outcalls)
special Classy ✨Upscale 👑 Super friendly😽 & Drop Dead Gorgeous💎💋♥💋 - 26
Would U Like a GiRlfriend?? EXxotic . Blue Eyed Cajun~Irish Beauty! Always Safe & Discreet - 28
(All Week~MA Location ~ HWY Access 495/N)
*____ =P=R=E=T=T=Y= ____*_____ = S=E=X=Y= _____*_____ =W=*E*=T== _____*_____ =H=O=T=T=I=E= _____*
(in outcall ri ma ct)
—————————— ★ —————————— STUNNING * HOT **KOREAN** !! GIRL !!!! —————————— ★ ——————— - 22
(, YOUR PLACE 617-------373-------0685)
beautiful woman u can unwind with an feel like u known forever! don't waste nemore time - 22
(, Rhode island*** out calls)
✴💥 B L o N D e_ B O m B S h E l L 💥✴ tHE REAL DeAL🎀 💋💖 2GiRLSPECIALS 💕 - 24
Tue 07 Jan
°• *o° •☆•o° • *° SuPeR S0@KeR & Openn MINDED specials°• *o° •☆•o° • *° - 22
(, cranston incalls baby)
Down City Divas Servicing New England Since Incalls Outcalls Parties $$Low Rates$$ - 21
(, Prov/Warwick)
::A Real Girl: Real Personality :: Real Reviews:: EIGHTY && SIXTY DOLLAR Specials ALL DAY:: - 20
(, providence incall/outcall)
iF sHeS GOoD....iM BeTTeR ~~ H Ѽ R ° HaN ° ѼuR ° Â V R Â G ° - 19
(RI/MA/CT outcall only)
♡For Upscale Gents Only: Petite Asian Bombshell♡(Yes, I am fluent in the english lang.) - 26
(, Outcall Only RI-MA-CT(Casino Only!))
Gorgeous Unique Party Girl with big BOOTY busty curvy petite young Italian Latina hosting Alone - 21
__(( E L i T e ))___ (( V.i.P ))___ ..CoMpANiONsHiP .. __SmoKiN HOT!___ (( SexXay CoLLEGe GiRL!))__ - 18
(, Providence OUTCALLS)
=(__)= --- Brain Busting Brunette--- Out/IN Call Specials --- iTALiAN --- , Tan, Beautiful ---=(__)= - 19
(OutCall Or In!)
:▒: . "S t u n n i n g" . :▒: .Simply the Best :▒:Back intown - 25
(, incall-outcall RI ma Ct Casino)
♡For Upscale Gents Only: Petite Asian Bombshell!♡ Verified OutCall Only By Appt. Only!! - 26
mature beautiful latina juicy lips big boobs 420 friendly avail allday off exit 23 incalls - 22
(, prov off exit 23 incalls only allday)
💋💎Mix 👅 🍬 With Incredible Skills💦A Taste Of Pure Pleasure💖*67 781 236-4590 - 25
(In/out, Providence)
CONCLUSION: PACKAGE! Exotic Petite Asian * Outcall avail. For RI, MA & CT(Casino Only) - 25
::A Real Girl: Real Personality :: Real Reviews:: EIGHTY && SIXTY DOLLAR Specials ALL DAY:: - 20
(, providence incall/outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
Preeminent Petite Asian Bombshell: Upscale Gents Only (Verified Outcall RI MA CT(Casino Only) - 26
(, ♡Verified Outcall Only! RI, MA & CT♡)
SIMPLY...-:¦: O -:¦:- U -:¦:- T -:¦:- S -:¦:- T -:¦:- A -:¦:- N -:¦:- D -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- G :¦:- - 20
(Seekonk MA incall~RI/MA/CASINOS outcall)
Preeminent Petite Asian Bombshell: Upscale Gents Only (Verified Outcall RI MA CT(Casino Only) - 26
(, ♡Verified Outcall Only! RI, MA & CT♡)
GooD MorNinG !! BusTy BLonDe PriNcEsS !! ReAL 36DDs !! Sweet & Seductive !! AvaILaBLe NoW !! - 25
2 girlsGirls.. One amazing experience You wont regret us and were sure you wont forget us *specials* - 23
(, Providence area outcall Ri/Ma/Ct)
Are you looking for a good time with the Blonde Bomb well come enjoy an awesome session now! - 24
(, Outcall RI,MA)
X0X0 GorGeous ExotiC MixEd HonEY** ThE BEsT YoU NeVer Had X0X0 LasT DaY CAll 4 SpeCiaLs!! - 22
(, All Rhode Island in/out calls)
NEW!!! 🌹((100% Real Pics)) 🌹🌹___SEXY___ FLaWLesS __ BloNdE ___ BoMbSheLL ___🌹🌹 ((NEW PICS)) - 23
MUST SEE ***megan fox looking brown student***** looking for some holiday and bill money - 21
*★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY★ specials - 23 - 23
(, Pawtucket/providence/Warwick)
Sun 05 Jan